Tuesday, September 12, 2006


I was driving by the Pentagon on Sept. 11 when I noticed beams of light shining up from the building. This was the 5th anniversary of the tragedy, and I guess this is how the Department of Defense marked the event.

Luckily, I had my camera in the car, so I went in search of a good location to shoot the scene. I found a spot on a hill behind the Pentagon, and when I got there, I found about a dozen other photographers had beat me there. Apparently, there was a steady stream up to that parking lot to capture the beams. I still thought it was kinda cool. See the photos.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Times Square, NYC

It’s probably the most popular site of New Year’s Eve celebrations, and in August it was still as memorable. I was in town on business and stayed in a hotel near Times Square. I’ve wanted to shoot this area for a while, so I made sure I stayed close by. The lights are so bright that the camera practically used daylight settings. It’s the city that never sleeps, which is pretty obvious. See the photos.

Monday, July 3, 2006

New Hope Train Station

A day trip to New Hope, Pa., took me back in time to the days of the steam engine train. The 23.6 mile line to New Hope was completed in 1891, and the first freight train arrived the next day. The New Hope & Ivyland Railroad still makes the journey, so I went long for the ride. But not before I got some of my own pictures. See the photos.